Chromatic Dragons

Once, there was one dragon, or one kind of dragon. It’s unclear, some stones say they remember it. It lived before the Authority created the moon and thousands of years before mortals were invented. The Ur-Dragon was immortal, invulnerable, and one of the most terrifying things the Authority had ever created.

The stones aren’t sure what happened next. Some of them say that other beings of free magic built a giant prism. Some say that the Authority himself interposed His form (the most perfect conceptual triangle) in the Ur-Dragon’s path. Others say something different.

In any case, the results was that the Ur-Dragon was split into 8 Chromatic Dragons, and ever since they and their offspring have have bounded around Creation, powerful, immortal, and immensely proud, but flawed and incomplete. All dragons love flattery, and all dragons hoard things, but no two dragons are alike, just as no two sunsets are alike. All dragons are intensely magical.

White Dragons

Spindly and feathered, but not frail. They are obsessed with improving upon and reordering Creation. They spend vast swaths of time devising traps and punishments for anyone who might try to steal from them or stop progress. As white dragons age they often withdraw from society into more austere environments (preferring vast snowy deserts) to develop their plans for a complete overhaul of Creation. Their bodies produce a constant chill; a wyrmling is cold enough to chill a room in the heat of summer. An ancient is cold enough to freeze the blood moving through a creatures veins.

Blue Dragons

Swimming as fast as they can fly, blue dragons are a well-known terror along many coasts. They can grow large enough to swallow whales whole. They sink ships by accident or by design, dragging the wrecks to the bottom and building wooden cities in the cold and sunless depths. They choose their targets with care. They can be reasoned with, and even bribed with herds of cattle or barques of fish. Some have limited ability to control water elementals and might call rainstorms or whirlpools. However, elementals are fickle and just as likely to instead race ahead to warn sailors and fishermen. As they grow they begin to store static electricity from storms at sea. Larger ones can unleash crackling bolts of electricity strong enough to level a building.

Black Dragons

Black dragons made a deal with acid elementals. They can breath horrifying clouds of caustic gas, or spray concentrated streams of acid that melt plate armor in seconds, but the dragon’s skin is coated in acid sludge. Their bodies are living toxic waste dumps. Mortal creatures burn near them. Because only spirits and the dead can withstand the presence of their caustic effluvia, they are masters of necromancy and live in palaces constructed of enchanted bones by undead slaves. They rarely meet outsiders but conduct themselves like rulers in exile anyway. You can offer little to a black dragon.

Red Dragons

Red dragons are warm enough to boil water. They glow like a hot stove. They are the slowest and dimmest of the dragons, but they are also the most ferocious. They delight in combat. Most have scars and embedded weapons. Some bite limbs off knights or particularly interesting warriors and keep them as trophies. Red dragons that are allied with fire elementals have glowing guts and breathe gouts of choking fire. Those that rely on their own power breathe rays of pure heat, invisible and utterly deadly. They live in caves, accumulate food and worshipers, and occasional rise to destroy a city or devour an army sent against them.

Green Dragons

Green dragons are strange even among their kin. They have no legs, no breath weapon, and often no ambition except to allow things to exactly follow the natural order. [[TODO:Need more here]]. As they grow larger they become an aspect of the forest. The Maguuma Jungle is rumored to be the Eldest Green Dragon.

Orange Dragons

Unlike all other dragons, orange dragons give their hoards away freely. They seem to delight in giving gifts. They might rob, pillage, and extort for a century, only to turn around and release their wealth into the world. Their gifts are never random and always cruel. A poor man will be given unimaginable wealth. The dragon will watch as paranoia, new-found friends, or poor choices conspire to destroy the recipient. Their alliance with earth elementals let them fly through sand as if it were water so they prefer to make their homes using their strange breath and their burrowing ability to carve out crystallized caverns and tunnels beneath the sands.

Violet Dragons

Of all the chromatic dragons, the violet are the most delighted to merely exist. Other dragons validate themselves with hordes or flattery. A violet dragon knows exactly what it is; perfection. This maniacal self-obsession drives them to live on craggy mountaintops or unadorned caves. Carved stone would only weaken them. They collect buildings of other races to mock, the crowns of deposed kings, books of fallen empires, or the bones of the famous and the powerful. They attack on a whim and retreat beyond retaliation. Their fangs cut soul and flesh alike. They breathe an invisible, deadly light that sets the air on fire and sings like shattering glass. Those struck by the beam of a violet dragon go blind or develop hideous skin lesions

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